Our Impact

69% of GCSC’s active  180+ program partners are schools.   41% have participated in two or more GCSC programs in the past two years. 47%  are in the region’s two largest school districts – GCSC collaborated with 82% (53) of the Cincinnati Public School and  20% (10) of the Boone County (KY) Public Schools. 

Beyond schools, GCSC partners with a variety of large and small community focused organizations such as Brighton Center, Docere STEAM / The STEM Lab, Northern Kentucky University CINSAM, Cincinnati Recreation Commission, and MoBo Bicycle Co-op.

Students Served

GCSC is committed to creating a STEM talent pipeline that is representative of our region’s population. This means focusing on students that are under-represented in STEM. In most years the percentage of students served in GCSC programs are : 

Students of Black / African American, Hispanic / Latino Background
Students that are female
Students of a low – income background

GCSC by the Numbers

According to the 2021 – 2022 school year

Students Served
Educators Served
Volunteers Involved
Clubs / Partners

Impact Briefs

At the conclusion of each long-standing program, a University of Cincinnati graduate student analyzes data from program statistics, feedback, and data to create Impact Briefs. Impact Briefs tell a complete story of the camp / club experience for the year. 

Impact Brief from 2021- 2022 school year.

Impact Brief from 2021- 2022 school year.

Impact Brief from the 5th annual Girls in STEM Day Cincinnati.

Backbone Impact

GCSC acts as the backbone organization that amplifies efforts and connects STEM-focused partners.


partners to like-minded organizations, schools or educators to synergize STEM efforts.


the community and partners with resources to increase STEM interest and awareness.


efforts in the collaborative to bring awareness to the community.


with organizations to increase STEM programming opportunities and quality.