Our Partners
Developing the STEM workforce involves a multitude of partners working synergistically toward shared and interdependent goals. As a backbone organization, GCSC brings together partners for the good of students, their futures, and our local economy and community.

Diverse Partners
Collaboration is an integral part of GCSC. Each partner brings different strengths and expertise to the complex work of engaging students in STEM and building Greater Cincinnati’s region’s future workforce.
GCSC partners with a variety of businesses to expose students to careers within the STEM workforce. Business volunteers are mentor coaches in GCSC camps and clubs. They also exhibit at community events and bring students into their workplaces as visitors and interns.
STEM / Education Centered Organizations and Non-profits
The Greater Cincinnati area contains a variety of education and STEM focused organizations that provide opportunities for students and resources for families. Partnering with like-minded organizations creates synergy and connections that benefit all students.
Higher Education Institutions
Local universities and community and technical colleges run a variety of programs that provide hands-on STEM learning opportunities for students. They also help students see the learning paths to STEM careers.
National and State Partners
Communities across the United States, and even the world, collaborate to prepare students for STEM futures. GCSC collaborates with these communities to bring best practices and proven resources to our region, students, and local partners.
Community Convenings
These gatherings are typically hosted at partner locations, such as the Cincinnati Museum Center and Northern Kentucky University. Convenings provide a time and place for educators, local non-profits, volunteers, and other partners to connect and discuss topics important to all. Community Convenings occur twice annually.
National and State STEM Organizations
In 2018, GCSC joined the Makers + Mentors Network’s National Community of Practice, a STEM initiative of Citizen Schools which uplifts STEM mentoring and maker-centered learning to build a stronger, more diverse STEM workforce.
GCSC was in the first cohort of organizations selected to join the STEM Learning Ecosystems initiative in 2015. The ecosystem has since grown to include more than 80 organizations across the country and world. Selected communities leverage cross-sector collaborations to deliver rigorous, effective programming that supports STEM learning and career preparation.
OSLN leverages STEM schools and programs to spread effective practices and tools. As the partner leading this network’s Southwest Ohio Hub, GCSC organizes and provides professional development across five southwestern Ohio counties.