Girls in STEM
Women make up half of the U.S. college – educated workforce but only 28% of the science and engineering workforce. Girl-centered STEM programming allows girls to see they have a place in STEM, creates a safe space for them to learn, and exposes them to women role models and mentors. If we want to have a STEM workforce representative of the region’s population, there must be more girls-focused STEM learning opportunities.
GCSC works with community partners to amplify programming specific to girls in the Greater Cincinnati regions, encourages club and camp leaders to host “all-girls” programs, and co-sponsors an annual girls-focused event called greenlight for girls day Cincinnati.

Myths About Girls in STEM
Myth: Girls are underrepresented in STEM because they are not as good at those subjects.
Nationally, girls and boys perform similarly on math and science standardized tests.

Myth: Girls are uninterested in STEM subjects and jobs.
Girls tend to choose careers that help people. Exposing them to how STEM creates solutions for people and communities can increase girls’ interest in STEM careers.
Myth: People are either better at sciences or arts but not both.
STEM careers include both technical knowledge and skills as well as “soft skills” – attention to detail, innovation, creativity, etc.

greenlight for girls
greenlight for girls day Cincinnati is an annual event that immerses 300+ talented, enthusiastic, middle-school aged girls in a fun-filled day of STEM learning at the University of Cincinnati. The day includes engaging exposure to “looks like me” inspirational role models, hands-on workshops, and a networking lunch designed to debunk myths about girls and women in STEM.
Frog Dissection
Hosted by the Cincinnati Museum Center, girls were able to work together to dissect frogs and learn about animal anatomy.
DNA Necklaces
Hosted by P&G, girls learn about DNA and how to extract it before adding their own DNA to a necklace they can wear.
The Human Brain
Hosted by Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center, girls learn about how our brains work and get the opportunity to hold one.
The Chemistry of Ice Cream
Hosted by Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, girls learn about liquid nitrogen and even create their own ice cream.
Girls in STEM Testimonials
Never give up on yourself. Even if you keep making mistakes, keep trying and try until you get to the top.
greenlight for girls day Cincinnati attendee
I feel there’s a huge need to inspire, motivate, and expose girls/students to STEM opportunities. I hope our time together will help make them better problem solvers and critical thinkers and help them to see themselves as future Scientists, Engineers, Techies, and Mathematicians!!
All-Girls Summer of STEM Camp Leader
The girls who were recruited to participate in the club developed self confidence and showed that through their participation in other school clubs, such as, student council.
All-Girls 3d Printers Club Leader
Girls in STEM Sponsors
In addition to our overall sponsors, specific Girls in STEM sponsors allow us to provide the necessary materials, resources and funds.