3d Printers Club
Utilizes 21st century technology to immerse students in the engineering and design process in a hands-on, engaging way. Over the course of 10 weeks students become familiar with computer aided design technologies and follow curricula that reinforce math and science principles taught during the school day. They are exposed to STEM career possibilities through volunteer coaches and mentors. Each annual club season culminates with the 3d Printers Showcase hosted at the University of Cincinnati. Students show off their designs, meet students from other clubs, and engage with business and community partners “exhibitors” who illuminate additional STEM learning and career opportunities .

49 Printers Club across Greater Cincinnati in 2018-2019
600 Rolls of printing material used
$252,000 in generous contributions from donors
7640 volunteers from community partners
1700 students and club leaders
51000 hours students spent using printing software
*2014-2019 CUMULATIVE
Students become inventors by choosing a problem they see in the world and designing an invention that solves it.
3d Grand Prix
Students learn about Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion and design a vehicle that demonstrates these laws and is suitable for racing.
Cleverly Contrived Contraptions
Students embrace the spirit of cartoonist Rube Goldberg and create a partially 3D printed, complex contraption to complete a simple task.
Our work in numbers
Percentage of Students that Agreed or Strongly agreed:
Percentage of Leaders that Agreed of Strongly agreed:
On a Scale from 1-10 Club Leaders (Teachers)
Learned about designing and making
Improved their technology skills
Students are more confident in their abilities
Students are more interested in STEM
Found the club valuable for their school
Would like to lead the club next year
3d Printers Club Testimonials
Tinkercad helped me realize how much I can create things. I never knew what a fast learner I am. Tinkercad helped a lot; one of the things is that you can see your design in 3D.
3d Printers Club Student
During this club, all the students were excited to make 3D printed items. They went all in and just tried to figure out how to build the car that was in their minds. They also thought about how to change and fix their structures each week.
Woodford Paideia
Elementary School Club Leader
Students were able to use the CAD systems in creative ways and learned how to upload and share their designs across multiple platforms.
Academy of World Languages Club Leader
Key Supporters
In addition to our overall sponsors, specific 3d Printers Club sponsors allow us to provide the necessary materials, resources and funds.

Individual Donors
Individual Schools/Districts/Partners
P&G Latino/ Hispanic Affinity Group